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Following the passing of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II on 8th September 2022 and ahead of the State Funeral planned for Monday 19th September, Alison Hall, Deputy Lord Lieutenant, laid a wreath today (16th September) at the base of The Queens Tree outside Easterbrook Hall within The Crichton grounds.
HM Queen Elizabeth II planted the now beautiful Maple on 14 July 2010 with help from our Head Gardner Gary McCormick, who joined the ceremony today.
Following the wreath-laying, those present observed a short period of silent reflection in thanks and admiration for The Queen’s long life and service.
Pictured: Alison Hall DL, Rt Hon David Mundell MP (also present at the original tree planting), Dr David Hall, Trustee of The Crichton Trust, Gwilym Gibbons, Chief Executive of The Crichton Trust and Gary McCormick, Head Gardner of The Crichton Trust.
The wreath reads: “With Admiration and Grateful Thanks for Your Service. Much Loved and Much Missed. The Lieutenancy of Dumfries”.

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