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The Crichton Trust’s Heritage Strategy – Consultation

The Crichton’s Heritage strategy seeks to preserve and promote the cultural legacy of The Crichton Royal
Institution (CRI), highlighting its tangible and intangible assets in creative ways. We acknowledge the positive and negative aspects of CRI’s heritage. From staff and volunteers, sensitive approaches will be informed by people with lived experience and mental health agencies. Partnerships with local, UK and international organisations will allow our staff, volunteers and associates to disseminate knowledge of the past, in the present, in ethical and creative ways.

Our vision is to foster wellbeing and offer inspiration for the future, in Dumfries & Galloway. This will be achieved through a flexible and responsive Five-year Plan.

With all of this in mind, we want to get feedback from the partners before we finalise the strategy, we want to work in partnership with local heritage organisations and the wider community on these aims so we would like to hear your thoughts on this draft before we publish it wider and put it into action.  

Please note the deadline for comments is 12noon Friday 20th September 2024 – if you have any questions please email valentina.bold @ crichton.co.uk

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