Q&A ADDED: 7 APRIL 2022 and UPDATED: 8 APRIL 2022 / 13 APRIL 2022
Tender Invite: To develop a Master Plan for the Ladyfield Housing Site, Dumfries
The Crichton Trust is inviting tenders for the development of a detailed master plan that will guide the future development of the Ladyfield housing site in Dumfries. The Crichton is located around 2km from Dumfries Town Centre and is a thriving place of national importance. It has a culture of innovation which makes it an extremely attractive location for leisure, education and business development.
Dumfries and Galloway Council’s Local Development Plan 2 includes The Crichton Development Quarter Development Framework as supplementary planning guidance. The Crichton Trust, with the full support of a wide range of stakeholders, is now ready to take The Crichton to its next stage of development by unlocking its huge potential. A key part of this vision is the delivery of a 21st Century Village on Ladyfield. The Strategic Framework for the Development of a Master Plan for Ladyfield, Dumfries sets out our key strategic principles.
This project will also build on the substantial work carried out to date through the Dumfries and Galloway Care Campus Project, the Scottish Government Sustainable Communities Initiative and The Crichton Quarter Development Framework.
This commission is required to be substantially completed no later than 31 October 2022.
The total contract value is £150k which includes the costs of commissioning/delivering the additional pieces of work set out in section 3.5 of the strategic framework document.
A detailed proposal and quote, including examples of previous relevant work, should be submitted via email to: projects@crichton.co.uk. The Deadline for submissions: 15 April 2022
Submissions will be scored against demonstrable understanding of the brief (20%), methodology and approach (20%), skills and experience of the team (20%) and finance (40%).
Tenders will be evaluated week beginning Monday 18th April. It is our intention to announce the successful candidate week beginning Monday 25th April, with an expected start date of week beginning Monday 2nd May.
ENQUIRIES: To arrange an informal chat with Jim O’Neill, Project Manager, Ladyfield, please email: projects@crichton.co.uk
The Deadline for submissions: 15 April 2022
Background information:
- Strategic Framework for the Development of a Master Plan for Ladyfield
- Dumfries and Galloway Care Campus Project
- Scottish Government Sustainable Communities Initiative
- Crichton Quarter Development Framework
Q&A added 07/04/22
Hello, we are looking to submit a bid for the Ladyfield Housing Site as advertised on your website. We were wondering if you could clarify a few things for us:
- Is there any further detailed guidelines for the submission other than what is noted on the website: A detailed proposal and quote, including examples of previous relevant work.
- Is there an expected minimum number of relevant project examples, and is there any restrictions on these, dates for example?
- Is there a limit on page numbers in the submission document?
- Is there a preferred presentation method of the fee proposal?
Thank you for email and your interest in our project. I’ve set out answers to your specific questions below.
- There are no further detailed guidelines for the submission. We are looking for those submitting a tender to use their skills and experience to explain how you can help us deliver our high-level strategic objectives. We are seeking innovation which means there aren’t many examples of previous work elsewhere in the country to draw on.
- There is no minimum number of relevant project examples. However, we would be looking at experience that is relevant to our strategic framework.
- There is no limit on page numbers for submission document.
- There is no preferred presentation method of fee proposal. However, we would anticipate bidders be able to clearly demonstrate the master plan can be delivered within our allocated budget, the number of days allocated to complete the work and costs associated with the sub commissions.
Q&A added 08/04/22
Can The Crichton Trust extend the 15 April 2022 deadline for tender submissions?
The Ladyfield project is funded through the UK Government’s Community Renewal Fund and we are required to meet its conditions of grant. An extension has already been agreed to give us the 15 April 2022 submission date and the 31 October 2022 completion date. This means no further extensions can be considered at this time.
Q&A added 13/04/22
Can you advise if the £150,000 budget for the Ladyfield Masterplan includes or excludes VAT ?
The £150,000 budget for the Ladyfield Masterplan excludes VAT.
This project is funded by the UK Government through the UK Community Renewal Fund