Care Campus Project (2018-2020)
The Care Campus Project was established in 2018 to engage with key stakeholders and communities across the region to find out what would make Dumfries and Galloway the best place to grow old.
The project was generously supported by Dumfries and Galloway LEADER, NHS Dumfries and Galloway, The Crichton Foundation, Dumfries and Galloway Council and Scottish Enterprise. The project involved working with local organisations and communities to explore how we can use health care technology, cognitive housing, adaptable housing design, intergenerational spaces and community hubs to better care for all members of our communities.
Project Reports
March 2021
The Crichton Care Campus Report: Making Dumfries and Galloway the best place to grow old – READ THE REPORT
February 2020
The Crichton Care Campus European Study Trip Report: Housing for older people and intergenerational communities – READ THE REPORT
For full details of the project and its partners and funders, visit the Care Campus Project