As part of our efforts to maximise connectivity across the estate, we need the help of colleagues, tenants, partners are other site users to identify our ‘not-spots’ or areas on the estate where you have a poor or no signal. Can you help to map our connectivity ‘not-spots’ at The Crichton?

We are working with a company to ensure that all our tenants and visitors can stay connected at The Crichton, but we know there are some ‘not-spots’ around the estate.

Maybe you know of one office in your building where you only get mobile reception if you place your phone on the windowsill or a place on your daily walk where you always lose a call. We are keen to identify connectivity challenges across all platforms, so we are looking for places (‘not-spots’) where the connection is poor.  Where do you experience Wi-Fi, 3G or 4G mobile phone signal challenges (even if it comes and goes) in buildings or around the grounds at The Crichton?

To help us build a map of where there are connectivity challenges, we would like you to tell us where there is no or a very weak signal. We are going to do this using the What 3 words (this is an app that gives you a specific 50cm squared location). We want to build a map of locations that have no or very limited connectivity on the estate, and we need your help. Do you know of any black spot in your building or on the estate? is so please help us build a map.

Here is how you can help:

  1. Download the What 3 words app to your phone (https://what3words.com/products/what3words-app/ )
  2. Find the w3w coordinates/address of the location(s) of any connectivity not-spots (mobile and or Wi-Fi connectivity no spot) that you know about on the estate. This coordinate will be three words and is specific to a 3m square (and you will be able to copy the address and a link).
  3. Please email your list of locations to admin@crichton.co.uk with ‘Crichton not-spots’ in the email subject and please let us know what network you are on.

Thank you for your help, we appreciate it!

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