Following the recent life-saving actions of one of our colleagues (Kenny Henry) at The Crichton Trust, we have been inspired to review the number and location of defibrillators on site at The Crichton and to run a public campaign to raise awareness of the defibrillators we have on site.

We would be grateful if you would get in touch with us at news@crichton.co.uk with details of any defibrillators you have at The Crichton. Please tell us…

a) How many defibrillators you have on site

b) Where they are located eg. building name, inside or outside

c) If they are accessible to the public

d) If you are happy for us to include the location of your defibrillator on The Crichton Defibrillator List, which we will promote as part of our campaign

e) If you have registered any Publicly Accessible Defibrillators (PAD) with the British Heart Foundation on The Circuit; the National Defibrillator Network (https://www.thecircuit.uk/). By doing this the Scottish Ambulance Service can help direct members of the public and emergency services to the closest defibrillator in an emergency.


Read more about Kenny’s story in the Spring edition of the The Crichton Magazine.

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