Our next Tenants’ Forum will take place on Wednesday 27th April at 11am on Teams. The meeting will be hosted by Sarah-Jane Burns, Business Community Development Manager at The Crichton Trust.
ABOUT THESE MEETINGS: Tenants’ Forums are about making connections and are a great way to get to know fellow tenants. They are a platform in which to share information, news, ideas and opportunities between The Crichton Community.
JOIN THE MEETING: Tenants will have received an email/diary appointment from The Crichton Trust with a link to the meeting. If you have any queries please call 01387 247544.
- RESILIENCE IN BUSINESS COMMUNITIES: The Crichton Trust is working with The Open University in Scotland on a project exploring Resilience in Business Communities. A representative from the OUiS attended the March meeting to provide more information about the project and to share details about a series of workshops that will be running throughout 2022. Tenants are actively encouraged to participate.
- PARAGON: The Tenant Update at the March meeting was from Charlotte at Paragon.
- WHAT DOES THE CRICHTON COMMUNITY MEAN TO YOU?: The Crichton Trust would welcome feedback from tenants and partners about what The Crichton Community means to them. Findings will help inform the creation of a Community Mission Statement. Tenants should look out for an email about this later in April.
SCHEDULE FOR 2022: See full schedule of dates below. Click here for dates and meeting themes in 2022.
As well as Tenant Forums’ we also host quarterly Crichton Briefings hosted by Gwilym Gibbons, Chief Executive of The Crichton Trust. These meetings take place quarterly on Teams and are intended to provide an overview of ongoing developments and projects at The Crichton. Crichton Briefings are suitable for The Crichton Community. All welcome.
JOIN THE MEETING: Click here to join the meeting. If you have any queries or require the link please call 01387 247544.
*Please note the Crichton Briefing on the 1st of March was postponed, so a Spring Video Update is now available to bring you up to date with the latest news and developments. See below re future Briefing dates.
DATES FOR YOUR DIARY 2022: The current schedule of meetings planned for 2022 can be found below. Please join us if you can and please invite your colleagues to join us too – the more the better.
Is your business entry up to date in The Crichton Directory?
Have you read the latest issue of The Crichton Magazine?
Are you up to date with What’s On or want to run an event at The Crichton?
Have you been following our Small Business Saturday posts on Facebook and LinkedIn?
Have you got news to share within The Crichton Community – email: news@crichton.co.uk
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