Off to a Piping start to the 2024 European Lunar Symposium
Sunday night saw the initial event for the week long European Lunar Symposium taking place in Dumfries this week.
The opening event at The Crichton Memorial Church saw delegates from across the world come together, with speeches from the organizers and local dignitaries, followed by a rousing performance from Dumfries Pipe Band. They were certainly a hit with attendees, particularly with those from further afield. Many delegates were capturing the pipers and sharing images and videos with colleagues back in the USA, including those at NASA, ESA and Universities across the globe – truly putting Dumfries on the map!
This week sees much academic debate but also the culmination of outreach work that the Open University in Scotland has been delivering with all the primary and secondary schools of the region, and a fantastic event on Thursday night for the general public where they can hear from and meet people from such entities as NASA, ESA, Japanese Space agency and our own Scottish Space Agency, where you can see moon rocks and learn more about our regions great connection to Neil Armstrong and the also the first maps of the moon.
If you’re interested in finding out more about the Solstice Seminars, you can get all the information and book your spot here.