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Scottish Association for the Study of Offending






‘Safe and Together’

Transforming the way we work with families affected by domestic abuse


 Alison Penman – Service Manager, Children and Families Social Work

This presentation is open to those working, studying or living in Dumfries and Galloway, Solicitors & Advocates may claim CPD time for attendance at SASO lectures

Contact Amanda Armstrong, Branch Secretary on dandgsaso@gmail.com  to register interest and request Zoom joining details


The aim of SASO is to bring together people with a wide range of experience in the criminal justice system so that by listening, talking and sharing experience, a better understanding of our common problems will develop.

Charity No: SC008124     www.sastudyoffending.org.uk

Scottish Association for the Study of Offending Dumfries & Galloway Branch

Chair:  John Sturgeon                 Vice-Chair:  Audrey Ritchie               Secretary & Treasurer:  Amanda Armstrong

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