Scottish Association for the Study of Offending
‘Safe and Together’
Transforming the way we work with families affected by domestic abuse
Alison Penman – Service Manager, Children and Families Social Work
This presentation is open to those working, studying or living in Dumfries and Galloway, Solicitors & Advocates may claim CPD time for attendance at SASO lectures
Contact Amanda Armstrong, Branch Secretary on to register interest and request Zoom joining details
The aim of SASO is to bring together people with a wide range of experience in the criminal justice system so that by listening, talking and sharing experience, a better understanding of our common problems will develop.
Charity No: SC008124
Scottish Association for the Study of Offending Dumfries & Galloway Branch
Chair: John Sturgeon Vice-Chair: Audrey Ritchie Secretary & Treasurer: Amanda Armstrong
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