Home | What's On | Bang Goes DG! – DYWD&G

Bang Goes DG! – DYWD&G



LocationEasterbrook Hall


If your business/organisation is interested in being part of this year’s event, please email justin.thomas@dywdg.co.uk to register. 

‘BANG GOES DG! 2024’ will be held at EASTERBROOK HALL, DUMFRIES on Wednesday, MAY 29th and we would like to offer an open invitation to businesses to come along and take part.

DYWFlix BANG GOES DG! trailer : https://youtu.be/wrin9e8aVYk

(#DYWFlix, DYWDG’s you tube channel is available now, please subscribe! Search DYW Dumfries&Galloway)

As with previous shows, the aims include not only informing young people about what Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM) actually are and how they are involved in numerous sectors, but also to showcase the many opportunities that exist around them in D&G, tying in with the DYW DG ‘brand awareness’ service.

The 2024 event already promises to be a bigger, faster and exciting day to inform and inspire our young people and is primarily aimed at S1/2/3 pupils but with College and University students and home schoolers invited to pop in. To register please email justin.thomas@dywdg.co.uk

DYW DG social media will begin to tease the event over the coming weeks and nearer to the time we will be presenting a social media campaign and programme brochure which will announce businesses attending – so please feel free to send us approved logos and introductory texts when registering.

#BGDG2024 is to be a real highlight of the pupils entire year

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