On Tuesday 6 October, Gwilym Gibbons, Chief Executive of The Crichton Trust hosted his monthly update meeting on Zoom.
Gwilym welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Key Updates:
What more can we do? Risks from Covid-19 seem to be on the rise again, so we continue to review what we do and what else we can do to minimise risks for our colleagues, tenants and visitors at The Crichton. We are promoting the use of our outdoor space and limiting the use of our indoor venues, we are using hand sanitiser, we are encouraging the use of face coverings in our buildings, offices, venues and corridors and we are complying with and promoting guidance re working from home and physical distancing. The Crichton Trust has recently purchased a new fogging machine to safely and quickly sanitise buildings and spaces as a precautionary measure when required. Photographs were displayed to show the fogging machine in action.
Swimming Pool: A decision has now been taken to keep the swimming pool and spa closed for the foreseeable future. The changing rooms are not spacious enough to comply to the 2m physical distancing rules. This decision will be reviewed again in the Spring. Members and visitors will be disappointed, but the priority is to keep everyone safe. Members are being contacted directly regarding their membership options.
Hospitality and Events: Given the significant challenges and uncertainties for the events and hospitality sector due to Covid-19, Easterbrook Hall remains closed to the public until the end of March 2021. Easterbrook Hall, is however, being used to support organisations involved in the Covid-response.
End Polio Now Campaign: The Crichton Trust has recently planted 250 purple crocus bulbs outside Easterbrook Bistro. The bulbs were donated by The Rotary Club of Dumfries as part of their 30+year campaign to eliminate Polio across the world. Andrew Walls from The Rotary Club of Dumfries informed those present about the long term impact of the illness and reported that Polio had now been eradicated from all, but two, countries in the world. The club has also planted crocus bulbs in various other locations in Dumfries including schools and DGRI. Easterbrook Hall will turn purple on Saturday 24 October to raise awareness of the campaign. You can look out for the purple display outside Easterbrook Bistro in the Spring of 2021.
Tree of Tranquility: Lauren Brydson and other members of the SiMBA Fundraising Committee have successfully raised £27,000 to purchase a memorial tree. With the support of The Crichton Trust, the Tree of Tranquillity will therefore be planted at The Crichton in November. SiMBA is a registered charity which supports anyone affected by the loss of a baby.
Picnic Benches: The Crichton Trust has recently purchased more picnic benches and they will be placed under verandas on site eg. outside Grierson House. This will allow Covid-safe meetings/picnics to take place in an outdoor setting during the colder months.
Crichton Central: Gwilym delivered a photo presentation to show the progress being made at the Crichton Central development at Criffel View. This included the first glimpse of the view looking out of the building from inside. The kitchen/café area is taking shape, the plasterwork is progressing well and the glass panels in the meeting rooms are now resembling the artist impression! For anyone who is unfamiliar with the project, Crichton Central is a new co-working and collaboration space that is due to open in the Crifel View building (formerly Fresco Café) at The Crichton early in 2021 – it is hoped the new facility will create encounters, enhance relationships and form partnerships and it will be accessible to anyone looking for temporary or regular use of meeting rooms, desk/office space and/or events space. A membership scheme will available.
World Mental Health Day 2020: World Mental Health Day is on Saturday 10 October. The Crichton Trust will continue to promote public access to the outdoor space at The Crichton as a safe and healthy way to meet with friends and to engage with others for walks/regular exercise in a Covid-safe way. The Crichton Trust will also hold a virtual kitchen session on Friday 9 October to encourage colleagues, who are mainly working from home, to enjoy a virtual coffee break and to stay in touch with their colleagues.
Future Meetings:
- The Crichton Briefings take continue to take place on the first Tuesday of every month at 4pm on Zoom. All welcome. To join the meeting:
- A separate meeting for Tenants also takes place on the last Wednesday of every month on Zoom. Details have been circulated to tenants or can be obtained by contacting The Crichton Trust. There is also an opportunity for tenants to share information about their business with other tenants at these meetings.
Thank you to everyone who continues to join our meetings.
#TheCrichton #TheCrichtonCommunity #Aplacetobreathe #BuildBackBetter