Project Title: Building the case for a Care Campus

Project Duration: January 2018 to November 2020.

Aim of Project: To explore what would make Dumfries and Galloway the best place to grow old.

Purpose of Project: This project was set up to explore the possibilities and options for housing communities, care and technology to improve people’s lives as they age in Dumfries and Galloway.

Partners and Funding:   Funded by:  Dumfries and Galloway Leader (EU and Scottish Government funding), Scottish Enterprise, Dumfries and Galloway Council, NHS Dumfries and Galloway, The Crichton Foundation and The Crichton Trust. Project Partner: University of Glasgow.

Project Management:    A small project team was hosted by The Crichton Trust and supported by the University of Glasgow and The Crichton Campus Leadership Group. The team also met regularly with an independent reference group made up of stakeholders from the local community, Third Sector organisations and representatives from Dumfries and Galloway Council’s Planning and Strategic Housing teams and the Health and Social Care Partnership.

About the project: The project team conducted extensive stakeholder consultation with partners across the region, and beyond.  We spoke to communities across the region through community consultation events, one to one conversations and through events we hosted and attended. We also explored projects and communities, in the region and beyond, where they have already developed connected supportive places. We have learned from their experiences and have developed an understanding of what works, and what doesn’t not work so well.

Project Report: The Project team have produced a report with a recommendation for improving housing, communities, care, work and Technology. It advocated for a whole ecosystem and a joined up approach to supporting people to age well in Dumfries and Galloway. The Report will be published early in 2021. 

Project Legacy: The first phase of developing a care campus village in Dumfries and Galloway was to take a broad look at the opportunities and challenges we face as a region. In the coming years, it is hoped that the research, knowledge and experience gained from the Care Campus project will be used to explore options for the region.

We believe this project has the potential to lead the world in demonstrating the opportunities and benefits of an ageing society and in developing places that value and enable people of all ages to live more connected, caring, healthy and low carbon lives and to ensure that the region is better able to adapt to the changing demographics we face.

The Future: The ambition is that the findings and partnerships developed by the Care Campus project (led by The Crichton Trust from 2018 to 2020), and the earlier ground breaking work led also led by the Trust pre 2010 funded by the Scottish Sustainable Communities Initiative on the Ladyfield Site which in turn helped inform The Crichton Quarter Plans (led by Dumfries and Galloway Council – see link below) will be used to inform future plans for the development of a 21st Century Village in The Crichton Quarter on the Ladyfield site in Dumfries.


Click link below to access the LDP2 Crichton Quarter Development Framework (March 2020):

Crichton Quarter Development Framework March 2020

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